Thirty-seven years ago I met a psychic who took the time to share with me about the spirit realm. She set me on a path of SpiritWalking and learning that continues today. The first season of "The Walks" is all about relationships: with the universe (karma); with the wordless dialogue of feelings (empath vs empathy); and our relationships with others (soulmates). Walk with me.
Thursday May 07, 2020
Episode 3: Soulmates
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Love is unconditional, relationships are not. The pursuit of finding one person to spend your life with remains a prominent motivation for many of us, and yet it seems less likely than ever to happen. Liberating factors have both lifted us out of old programs yet left us confused about the future of relationships. But the search for love is in no way diminished. This walk explores love vs. relationships, and the past requirements for soulmates vs. the current requirements for a soulmate relationship to sustain.
Whether you are already in a relationship or not, this walk will deepen your understanding and leave you with more to think about around what it means to love and partner in relationship.
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Episode 2: Empath vs. Empathy
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
What are the differences between empathy and empath? How do they support one another? When are you confusing the two and robbing the gift of both?
In this walk we will cover what it means to be an empath, different types of empathic experiences, and how to have healthy and healing relationships and still honor your gift.
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Episode 1: Karma
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
What is Karma? Karmic living vs. dharmic living? Is karma really impacting your life? How do we work with karma to enact change? In this first walk, we explore how these energies may be affecting you personally and what you might do to expand your impact as a co-creator in the universe.